Friday, December 16, 2016


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of visiting Erma Stephenson Library Learning Commons to see teacher-librarian, Lori Ingles, in action. A group of Grade 7 students were about to participate in a "Breakout" session! I've made a short video of the session and you can find it here.
Video Description: 
Developing core competencies through group problem-solving activity. Students develop their critical thinking, communication, creative thinking, resilience and perseverance by trying to solve a puzzle together. Kit was purchased through

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Exploring the Core Competencies through the Use of Picture Books

Surrey TLs joined together to explore the core competencies through the use of picture books. This is a resource that may be shared with classroom teachers and is meant to act as a starting point for discussion.
The slideshare can be viewed at The last page links to the bibliography that was created at the session. It can also be viewed at

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Riverdale Library Learning Commons

Riverdale Elementary is loving their new Library Learning Commons and it's easy to see why! With some shelves removed and new comfortable furnishings, it's a very open and inviting space. When I visited, the K/1 students were just finishing their structures made from Keva Planks. This was my first experience with Keva Planks and I was amazed at the structures created by these primary students. I can see that they would appeal to a wide age range! The set also comes with instructions for more complicated structures and these would appeal to secondary students as well as adults. This would be a fun activity for buddy classes or parents and children to work on together. I love the creativity!

A fall tree at the computer search station.

Very creative Kindergarten and Grade 1 students built these structures.

The new Library Learning Commons at Riverdale.
Note the white board table just waiting for a group to come and brainstorm ideas!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Through the Forest to the Castle

Yesterday, the Surrey Chapter of the BCTLA met for our AGM at J.T. Brown Elementary (thanks to Emiline for hosting us!) I wanted to share a couple of photos of the library. I always like visiting libraries and these meetings are a great chance to network and come away with some great ideas. 
This library has a little forest in the centre space where the search stations are located. I love the visual break and calm feeling this creates. On the wall opposite is a castle with a dragon guarding some boxes of books. What an inviting space for students! 
Do you have a space in your library that students love? Please share your idea in the comments below!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Meridian Makers

Today I had the pleasure of visiting Andrea Langelaar at Coast Meridian Elementary. She has begun experimenting with makerspace and had some great ideas to share. I love the challenge cards in holders she's posted on each centre and how they focus the making. And the creations have found a new home in the display case in the front hallway! The whole school community has enjoyed looking at them and the students are so proud of their work. She also let me in on a little secret: go to IKEA and look for the bin of loose parts. You can fill a bag for only $3!! Those little bits and bobs are a great addition to your maker materials. You can follow the making at Coast Meridian on Twitter at #meridianmakers. Follow Andrea on Twitter @AndreaLangelaar.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Aboriginal Resources to Borrow

I spent a little time today perusing the Aboriginal Collection housed at DEC and was delighted to find felt board kits for three titles: A Salmon for Simon, Totem Tale, and Just a Walk. The background felt board is also available to borrow (green on the other side). Please note that the kit and the book are separate items.
It's very easy to borrow these kits and other resources:
1. View the Aboriginal Resource Collection at

2. Search for titles and click on "Add to this list" on the right side of the title.
3. View list by clicking on it. Choose to create a bibliography sorted by call number/author. Copy.
4. Paste your list into an email addressed to Cathy Norton.
5. Include your name (or the name of the teacher who wants the books), your school and courier number.
6. Your resources will arrive in the courier! 

Felt board figures to make the story come to life. Younger students love "hands on" storytelling!
Students will love creating the different totem poles mentioned in the story.
Felt board kit to retell the story.
The Aboriginal Resource Collection has multiple copies to lend.
If you like a resource, consider purchasing it for your collection!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

D.E.A.R. is fast approaching!

Share! Celebrate! Advocate! 

October 24th is BC School Library Day!

Drop Everything And Read!

Check out the BCTLA website for more information. 

Get your students excited about reading by hosting a D.E.A.R. event in your school. On October 24th, you are invited to drop everything and read! Everyone should have a book ready so choose something you want to read. Teachers and other adults are great role models for students and isn't it great to have 15 or 20 minutes to read a book of your choice?! 
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Involve the whole school! Get students into the gym or out in the hallways and read together.
-"Catch" students reading and take a picture to post in the library. The names of those caught could go into a draw for a fun prize.
-Extend the DEAR to once a term. Keep the fun going and create a culture of reading in your school.
-Have students choose what they want to read based on their interest and ability.
-Have younger students bring their favourite stuffed animal to read with.
-Read with a buddy class.
-Dress up as your favourite book character!

Please share your ideas for this reading event in the comments below. 

Created with

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Welcome to September!

The whirlwind of September has begun and I'm sure everyone is settling in.  I love the newness of students, new staff, new books and new ideas to try! Today I worked with one of our new teacher-librarians to set up her library. All the books were in boxes because of a renovation over the summer as they make the move to library learning commons. As we unpacked and shelved, I reflected on how libraries have changed in the last few years. We've said goodbye to outdated encyclopedia sets as we welcomed iPads and the use of online resources. The videotapes and dvds have been replaced, for the most part, by video streaming. The library learning commons model offers more flexibility. Students no longer have to wait until their "library day" to exchange a book they are finished reading. They come when they need to come. The quietness has been replaced with a hum of activity as many library learning commons are including makerspaces. What hasn't changed is the love of learning and the wonderful stories we share. If you have a favourite book to read in September, please share it in the comments!

Setting up the Easy Fiction section in the new library learning commons
at A.H.P. Matthew Elementary with Jeanette Paul